Join the Choir
If you would like to come and try out the choir please fill out the form on this page.
What previous experience do you have of singing with choirs? What size of choir? How would you describe your sight-reading and score-reading skills? Do you have other musical experience such as playing an instrument?
Feel free to tell us why you think West London Chamber Choir may be the choir for you and how you heard about us.
We invite applicants to participate in a minimum of two rehearsals without payment of any subscription, after which they are invited to a voice assessment with the Musical Director together with a committee member. The assessment comprises a short solo piece with piano accompaniment, together with some straightforward sight-reading and vocal tests. Successful applicants are invited to formally join the choir and subscriptions are then payable on a monthly basis, however taking part in the next scheduled concert will require sufficient rehearsal time as determined by the Musical Director.
We particularly want to welcome younger singers, including sixth formers, even if they have relatively little experience of choral singing. These candidates will be offered special terms and will have the opportunity of mentoring by experienced choir members.
All singers are expected to attend, as far as is possible, all rehearsals and concerts. The Musical Director reserves the right to exclude any singer from a performance if they have missed too many rehearsals for a particular concert.